Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Dick Smith Rebrand

Driving past the mall, I noticed Dicksmith Electronics have rebranded!

Goodbye, DICK && Hello, dick.
Whoa, a brand new look for Dick Smith Electronics, the old one was so classic, and was well known, but it has had it's time. The new logo is so much more slick and technological. I'm not too sure about the tagline, "Talk to the Techxperts" for some reason it hasn't stuck to me yet. Anyway, I think it's a good rebrand, now the stores merchandising and interior is also alot more modern and I can already feel the fresh new brand of dicksmith.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Apple Website Ad

Apple has come up with a very interesting website ad concept, takes over the new york times website!

Be sure to check out more, because theyve created a series!

Friday, May 8, 2009


My friend showed me a video of this amazing artist, and his work blew me away, amazing stuff. BluBlu definatley puts his own spin into what he does. Great creative inspiration. Check him out on his webpage [here]. be sure to check out his MUTO (video). && let me know what you think.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


So, I'm still in the progress of creating my Poster for my "Style&Technique" brief, which is such a mission, i've found it such a challenge to adapt the style of "Graham Rounthwaite" who is an AMAZING illustrator, check him out on Google. amazing stuff. Love the whole Japanese street fashion style he has going on, all the pictures have alot of attitude. I know my piece looks nothing like his work at the moment, but shut up. I'm trying. o.O 

Named her Martha. Fight Club.

So, when you spend hours doing an illustration, you can't help but wonder what the world would look like done in illustration. That would be so cool, right?